Refining of all the numerous team-building skills, building a culture of motivation must be high on the list.
What team is equipped with a high level of motivation?
Team Building Training
The first question that must be resolved in a discussion about the motivation: "Why are we doing?" Why do I write this article? Why are you reading this?
Some common triggers that encourage a rule, each, are the reasons:
• There is something for me?
• It will make me feelwell?
• E 'lead to some noble purpose or that inspires me, I committed?
In the workplace, researchers have some principles of motivation, they need to hold the first leaders to be identified, if a team to be successful and if you perform well.
Of course there are many nuances that are in human behavior, but understanding the general principles of motivation for a leader is crucial if it wants long-term, committed team.
There arethree main factors, the conditions for a strong inner motivation that apply to each member of the team and creating team leader:
1 is the work I do, considered useful or valuable, so I think I contribute?
2 I know that the results of my work? I have to find out how good am I doing? (Or is not it?)
3 What I feel for my work personally so the results that I can be proud of what I do?
It 'true that the motivation of intrinsic nature and the final isResponsibility for the motivation lies in us, but it's also very possible for a successful leader in a culture of motivation that will help each team member's commitment and energy for the team to make it clear.
The creation of a culture or environment helps the motivation of the team members feel valued, respected and reaffirmed what they bring to the team. It also increases the motivation to overcome these challenges and overcome obstacles that are part ofthe life of each team.
An effective team leader must be aware of six important factors that could significantly affect the motivation of a team.
1 The team is the clear purpose or reason, each member? And 'directly with their personal values and goals? It can be difficult to align for a team member with a purpose, but may decrease according to his needs and desires, or its value and motivation in the course of time. A strategy with a lethargic team might be to stop and againPurpose team. Insert to the value orientations and personal conflicts and ambitions. Talk is not cheap, but it is necessary, and sooner or later.
2 They are the team members feel a real challenge? They did see and understand the importance of the picture or feel their role should be trivial? Many members say that their team performed the most rewarding experiences a kind of challenge. The same challenge has been the motivation and its absence can cause a loss ofEnergy.
3 They have experienced team members to express and camaraderie, comradeship and loyalty? Really like each other and work to develop and maintain their relationships. Although there are probably aware that research supports this as motivation, they will realize that it is much easier to support the members of your team if you have a good relationship with them.
Time spent on team building, promotion of group relationships and learn to resolve conflictsopen communication, respectful and direct promotion. This in turn encourages team members feel safe enough to each other to affirm their support, and also provide appropriate care for those who struggle
4 It is each team member has the properties of an identifiable block of work that motivates him or her to be in this team is where his skills are well used? This is so important.
Be aware however that if the liability can be demotivatingConsequences of error or failure are too great.
If your organization, for example, has a history of punishing mistakes or to create scapegoats, then education is the responsibility is seen more as a negative. The short-term performance can be good (remember fear is a motivator), but suffer in the long-term motivation. It 'hard to get a strong team when the energy is weakened by fear.
There are 5 team members feel, to grow as a team? They are learning new concepts,Add to their skills and stretch their minds. If this happens, motivation tends to remain high. Personal growth adds value to the team, improving self-esteem and self-esteem.
6 You have a team leader who can appreciate the importance of the reasons mentioned above enough to speak with your team or use a motivational assessment tool to open and be honest?
You may not always like what you hear!
However, the fact is that no matter how popular or charismaticTeam leader, he or she will not be effective in the long term unless there is a culture of positive motivation.
A team leader will need to create an environment in which the expressions of encouragement, respect and affirmation are the standard work, which purposes are clear and regularly, where there is responsibility and praise where appropriate for every human contribution is given.
We all have examples of how great leaders inspired teams to accomplish the look impossible. History Booksand Hollywood are full of these stories and have come to honor these leaders.
A closer inspection you will notice that every great leader of a team that has the estimated value to encourage each team member to feel respected and understood. He or she has worked to create a culture of positive motivation experienced by the whole team.
At the end of the day, when the credit goes to the team and what each person who made the team, not only the team leader,that the leader of the team is satisfied. His work is done and that makes it great.
Team Building Skills: Creating a culture of motivation