Whether you are an organization or a professional manager to facilitate the process of team building are a team or group, the following tips are guaranteed to bring you some new ideas on how to accelerate the team building initiatives:
1. Create a shared vision
Team Building Training
A common vision for all team members for team building and organizational success. Spend time as a visioning team - to create what you want and where to go. This vision should also be given the timeYou celebrate your success today!
Ask yourself how clear our vision? Have all team members hold the same view?
2. Development of common goals
Make sure that the objectives of your organization / project and program understood and supported by all members of the team. All team members must understand how their efforts are among the greatest goals of power.
Ask yourself: Have all team members know the role played by them in support of our great team / business objectives? Is everyclear what those objectives?
3. Clarify the roles and responsibilities
A major challenge for organizations and groups to move forward, if you really want is due to a lack of clarity about roles and responsibilities. The clarification of these roles can play in supporting and implementing your vision and shared goals to help.
Ask yourself: "How clear is our staff in understanding their roles, their responsibilities, where the roles and responsibilities?Overlap between team members? Where roles and responsibilities overlap with other departments.
4. Ensure management support
Supervisors and managers play an important role for learning to take life. "Ensure that supervisors, managers and owners are following with staff about what their needs are and how the team-building efforts can be strengthened. Managers also play a key role in ensuring that the learning of team building initiatives carried forward toOffice.
Ask yourself: What are the systems we currently have to ensure that learning is sustainable? We can discuss this in staff meetings? We have a coaching program in place?
5. Using exercises involving
Team building can be fun and exciting teams to be supported to achieve their full potential. Ensure that participants are engaged and challenged through the process. Consider, in an external expert facilitator to support your efforts, and also aTrain the Trainer program with employees.
Ask yourself: What kind of activities or exercises work best for our team members? What are the issues important to them?
6. Take it out of the office
Holding team building sessions in the office can be disruptive and distracting. The call of the e-mail, voice mail and express shipments often preferred a team full of experience in the office. Reduce the distractions of every day from team building sessions outside theOffice.
Ask yourself: What kind of environment would benefit our team? Some organizations prefer a session of "corporate" formal "team building" while others embrace the nature and the environment.
7. Create an action plan
Create to create an action plan for team-building part of your work or daily life. Often retreats or team-building programs are some links with business daily, or organizational objectives. Make sure that if the program creates links designthe organization or the daily life so that the participants "to bring the learning at home" can. This can be installed in time for formal action of the planning program were held with management and follow-up meetings of staff role. Coaching can be used to hold the "Learn alive" after the events build team. Research, is individual coaching, team or group is better than working for the organization.
Ask yourself: What can we do to support and sustain individuals and action planning team?What are the current systems, we believe that the action plans? Examples are staff meetings, manager of check-in, inside / outside coaching.
8. Spend time to learn what your team members must
Create a group or organizational context in which communication is open, and individual team members bring their needs to feel comfortable, the efforts of team building will be more focused and productive.
Find out exactly what the members of the research team to improve their work andEfforts before the event team building. This can be done by brokers and / or head of the European team by e-mail questionnaires, focus groups or individual sessions
One of the most common mistakes of team building initiatives is that they do not meet the needs of the team. Make sure you have enough time to invest before the court event to which members of the team you really want.
Ask yourself: What are the three most important priorities for our team? What is the best way to find thisby individual members?
9. Keep it regular
Once a year, the team building programs can have a lot to improve morale in the short term, but ask yourself: "How about if we have anything more?". Imagine the results!
With the same agency often has several programs to give traction to the event. Trust and understanding for the team to be in any other case is higher, usually when the moderator.
Ask yourself: How longWe are committed to efforts to build our organizational team this year? What looks like?
10. Have fun!
First of all, fun team-building initiatives and engaging for all employees. You should be relevant and useful for the team. Design with the moderator (s), which defines the structure and themes to give your team the greatest influence.
Ask yourself: What would be funny as for us, our corporate culture and philosophy?
Take a look at some integrationthese ideas and systems at your next team-building initiative, if it is a, team coaching retreat, or workshop is to build an extraordinary team, sustainable and productive.
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton. All rights reserved.
For more information, visit:
The "Biz" Toolkit Blog: http://biztoolkit.blogspot.com
Team Coaching: http://www.groupcoachingessentials.com/pages/team-coaching
E-mail: jennifer@potentialsrealized.com -
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Team Building Tips - Take Your Team Great Extraordinary