Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little Dragons Class ( 4 and 5 yr olds)

Little Dragons Class ( 4 and 5 yr olds) Video Clips. Duration : 2.52 Mins.

This is a team building exercise. Parents benefit is that kids learn to clean their room, all while having a fun time!

Tags: Coronado Training Center, Coronado California, Tae Kwon Do, Kids Martial Arts, Preschool Martial Arts, Preschool, Karate, Kids Karate, Discipline, Respect, Teach Kids Respect

Monday, May 30, 2011

Team building Part 2: Honesty is the Key!

The second in a series of 2 articles giving a slightly dissimilar viewpoint on sufficient team building, condensed from an customary argument presented by the author, John Roberts. John is a Freelance Training advisor and director of JayrConsulting Ltd. Part 1 ( an additional one Brick in the Wall ) dealt with choosing and construction the first team. Part 2 deals with the culture that need to be in place to run the team verily effectively. The ideas expressed are personal opinions built up from many years of sense in the Electronics/Aerospace industry, the Armed Forces, the Telecoms industry and the Training industry. There is no advice of this being a 100% explication applicable to or workable in all situations, but it is aimed at getting population to think face of the norm and question the 'normal' way of doing things.

1. Honesty - The Key!

Team Building Training

It verily is that simple! The basic foundation of construction and running verily flourishing teams is Total honesty! Sounds simple, but it can be one of the hardest things to implement due to existing workplace cultures and peoples long-term conditioning to them. If you are not ready to implement this culture change, you will only ever have functional 'teams' that are purely paying 'lip service' to the whole idea of team building.

Being honest starts here! You cant pretend to be honest, or only implement some parts of it, whether as a team member or as a team leader. If you are not going to give it 100% - Give it up, because the rest depends on this to work properly!

There are two cut off parts to honesty within the team scenario and both are equally important:

(a) Being honest with other people

You have to learn to be honest with everyone. If man is not performing properly-Tell them as soon as possible, and help them to overcome the cause. If man is performing well-Tell them as soon as possible, and help them to do even better.

If there is good news about the project/team/company-Tell population as soon as possible, without hiding things and deliver praise where appropriate.
If there is Bad news about the project/team/company-Tell population as soon as possible, without hiding things and discuss what can be done about it at a team and personal level-ask for input and ideas to decide things. Most population can deal with most situations well, as long as they feel they are being kept informed and involved.

Make sure that you are doing your share of the teams work, to the best of your ability. If the team are having to cover for you, you are not being honest with them.

If you make a mistake- admit to it, as soon as potential and if critical get help to decide it. If you try and hide your mistakes you are not being honest and it just leads to more work for others in the long run.
Don't perpetuate rumours! It is one of the fastest ways to break down trust in a team culture. If you don't know something is a fact-don't repeat it!

(b) Being honest with yourself

For a lot of population this can verily be highly difficult to achieve, due to long term conditioning in a competitive work place, but once started it tends to build on itself as long as every person is verily committed to long-term success of the team construction process. You have to verily look at yourself deeply and verily and work at correcting your personel behaviour patterns and shortcomings.

If you can't cope with something-tell man and get some help with it. No one is exquisite and we all need help sometimes. In a good team environment, nobody is going to think less of you for requesting help-just the opposite if it helps to get things done.

Be honest about your skills and abilities beginning with your c.v. !). If not you will be found out eventually, but by that time, you may have let a lot of other population down!

Don't steal credit/ideas from other population and put them send as your own. Any gain for you is only short term and it is one of the quickest ways of destroying trust among your team.

Question your commitment and work ethos continually-Are you verily giving 100% endeavor all the time? If not-why not -do you need to seek help or are you just being lazy?

Don't lie! It's infectious in a team environment. If you want a day off- take a leave day-don't keep re-burying your grandmother!

Admit when you are wrong in a discussion-and apologise!

Don't moan and grumble about work - if you don't like being there -Leave!

2. Communication

Communication is one of the most leading factors in flourishing teams. To be sufficient it must be continuous and wholly Open - both between team members and between the team leader and their team. There should be no secrets. The team need to know how they are affected by corporate plans and decisions. Members need to know if they are doing things correctly. The team leader needs to know if their team members have any ideas or problems that should be acted upon. population acknowledge better if they know the facts - even to bad news! (I had a team where they all volunteered to take a 10% pay cut to save a team member from redundancy, when the financial figures were explained to them openly!)

This Doesn'T mean that you need to have interminable 'formal' team meetings! population should be encouraged to talk to each other and to the team leader all of the time. A good team leader will set aside time every day, (Yes, you can do it, if you are organised!), purely to get around and talk to their team. The better your transportation is, the less meetings you will need to have!

3. Trust

Trust between team members and between the team and team leader Must be absolute. If you don't trust population to get on and do their job - why are they in your team? If you trust population to do a job, you have to relinquish power to them to make their own decisions - and they have to be responsible for those decisions! Team members must have trust in the team leader - that they have their best interests at heart and are working for team rather than personel success. In the greatest team, population have to depend on each other for their lives - that can only be done with trust in your fellow team members.

4. Conflicts and Compromise

Teams are made of People! You have to expect conflicts and confrontations. They should not be arbitrarily stamped upon - population have to be made aware that at some point they will have to compromise with other population in order to persisting functioning as an sufficient team. Members should be encouraged not to hide conflict, but to work it out and arrive at a compromise. The team leader should try and be aware of any conflicts and help to decide them where necessary. Don't expect your team to never argue - they are all dissimilar people, and just like in a family, there is nothing wrong with a healthy argument, as long as it is resolved

5. Chinese Councils

All team members should have an input to planning and decisions regarding the team. population in the team should be treated as equals. The team leader is not in that position because they are 'better", it's just that they have dissimilar skills to the others. The team leader is not the only man that may have good ideas and should always be willing to accept input from others and where critical amend plans and decisions regarding the team and its objectives. However, every person should be aware that at the end, the team leader has the greatest responsibility and therefore the final say in any decisions, having taken into list the input from other team members. This should be a regular ongoing procedure.

6. Assessment and reward

Forget 'Annual Assessments', Competency grids and pay rises based on personel performance! What matters is, "Is the Team successful?" The team leader should be constantly aware of how team members are performing and giving them feedback and assistance where critical as the task progresses. It is no good leaving it until some later point to let population know if they are not achieving what is required or patting them on the back if things are going well. population need constant feedback -with honesty!
Reward should be based on the success (or failure!) of the whole team, not individuals, so that population are encouraged to make sure that every person in the team is pulling together to perform the team goals -not trying to score 'smarty points' for their own personel advancement. (This would not work in a 'sales' environment, which is why sales population tend to work as individuals rather than as teams!)

7. Buddies

Team members must all be 'Buddies' with each other. This doesn't mean that you have to be close friends or socialise with each other! What it means is that team members have to hold one an additional one at all times. every person has 'off days', and team members should notice when man else is not performing 100% and offer help and hold to get them straight through this period. Sometimes all it will take is a joke or remark to buck man up or they may need help with a particular task that is getting on top of them. All members should get into the habit of 'watching out' for each other. There is no shame in seeking or accepting help - we all need it sometimes. We all have dissimilar skills and abilities and team members should be encouraged to make use of each other's skills to perform the team objective as efficiently as possible. I was never very good at producing diagrams for presentations, but I had man in my team who was great at it, and I would always ask her to critique my work so that I could yield a better concluded product.

8. No Blame - No Shame

Everyone Makes Mistakes! The incommunicable is to have a culture where population are not ashamed to admit to having made a mistake! That way, mistakes can be rectified quickly, and more importantly, learned from! If man makes a mistake (deletes a file or something), you don't want them to feel that they will be penalised or marked down in some way. You need them to tell man and if critical seek help to rectify it as soon as possible. (Needs 'honesty', as above!)


You may have noticed something in reading the above? No jargon, no 'hype', no 'games', no 'exercises', no 'concepts'! - Not Necessary! flourishing teams are all about People, their natural skills, abilities and relationships. Running a flourishing team is very much like running a flourishing house and most of the values are the same - But, it will not work Without Honesty as above! Remember that is probably the hardest thing to perform due to human nature and the conditioning that population are subjected to in the normally competitive culture of most work places, but it is worth the endeavor if you verily want to perform sufficient team building.

Think about all of the above - how much of it currently applies to teams in your workplace? Could you implement this? Remember - unless you start with Honesty, it will not work, and you will always just be going straight through the motions of team building!

As always I am wholly open to any comments - the whole idea of this argument is to get population mental and discussing what they do in their teams and how it could be improved.


Adapted from an customary narrative by John Roberts, freelance training consultant, Director of JayrConsulting Ltd., www.jayrconsulting.co.uk. John can be contacted at john.roberts@jayrconsulting.co.uk

This narrative may be freely reproduced / modified and used in any way, providing this acknowledgement is left in its entirety.

Team building Part 2: Honesty is the Key!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Team construction Training and Activities - Why Your firm Needs Them

Team building exercises have undergone a negative shift in image in the past but are now surfacing as an important part of any serious business. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. With trust in the team and fellow colleagues, employees at all levels will perform at their best.

Why Team building Is Important

Team Building Training

The benefits for the separate stakeholders must be present for any exertion to be successful. All parties need to be committed to the process and take it seriously. Try to think of the 'team' as having the following stakeholders:

* The customer

* The business

* The team leader

* The personel team member

* The team as a whole

By realizing and considering each stakeholder you can then begin to see that team building training play a large role in the organization. The actual team building activities can be based on any performance in which team members rely upon each other in a trust situation or bring them together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. Obviously you can't take your customers out team building but if your staff have undergone team building activities, and your senior staff are well versed in training, then the customers will benefit as well.

Team building training is important for any firm supervision to understand and to get the best from their team situation. Activities may be planned at a weekend away, a week at a resort, or even something uncomplicated every Friday night. Good team leaders will know and recognise a possible opportunity and take benefit of it.

How it Works

Team building can work on all levels for all firm sizes. Project managers may need to work together to get a large society complex or it may be a firm owner with two or three employees. By bringing these population together and putting them into a situation or relaxed fun where they might rely on each other for maintain gives them a new perspective on colleagues and the company.

Once a rapport has been established, and activities enjoyed, the flow on follow back at work continues. Workers who may be in separate departments may never meet in the day to day running of a large business. The opportunity to meet and get to know one someone else in a less formal environment puts a sure spin on the team and they are more likely to think that man or department when decision manufacture or recommending purchases to customers.

The customer benefits from the familiarity between departments and can see staff ready to go out of their way to aid them to find what they need. The team then works together for a thriving sale, even if in someone else department.

Actual team building activities can involve large efforts that might cost a lot of money, or less costly but sufficient activities. Once in the situation team members are made to rely on each other. This might be a uncomplicated exercise of trusting that population you have never met before will catch you when you fall, or it may be a full scale weekend in teams of paintball. The most important part is the trust building and the confidence on each other as a team to succeed.

Examples of Activities

Team building activities might include:

* Team sports days

* form an outfit catwalk day

* Novelty race days (egg and spoon, sack race etc)

* get ready a menu, cooking challenge

* Camping/survival challenges

* Sailing

* astonishing race style challenge

Anyone complex in corporate training with team building exercises should try to think surface the box and make activities that will also be a lot of fun and allow for individuals to get to know others along the way. Nothing should be discounted unless it has an overt danger or risk attached to it.

Training In Team building Skills growth production and Staff Morale

Being trained to take benefit of team building opportunities means your team leaders or Project managers can constantly work on building the firm team efforts. This brings the firm together as a whole and staff will feel validated and important to the company.

Knowing the workplace cares about individuals will boost morale and the level of sure performance at work. Satisfied workers will do their best for the firm and for their teams. This leads to more sufficient production and more sales. Customers return to companies that give great customer aid and make recommendations for house and friends to go there as well.

All staff members will benefit from exercises, and all senior supervision will benefit from team building training to recognize and execute team building activities.

Team construction Training and Activities - Why Your firm Needs Them

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 45)

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 45) Video Clips. Duration : 10.08 Mins.

Building on the success of Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, this new action adventure takes the story to a deeper level within the Naruto Universe. Now a respected ninja, Naruto evolves into a mature and strong hero. However, with his new status comes responsibility, and Naruto will soon find himself surrounded by conflict. Forced to relive bitter memories, Naruto's best friend Sasuke strikes out on a self-destructive quest for power. Now with the help of his friends, Naruto must confront Sasuke and save him before it's too late. Team up with multiple characters, explore open 3D environments and challenge some of the fiercest enemies from the Naruto Universe. •Relive the series: Adventure outside the Leaf Village to discover imaginatively detailed environments and enjoy the original voice-acting from the series in Japanese & English. •Play as Sasuke: Experience the series not only as Naruto, but also witness Sasuke's self-destructive quest for power firsthand. •Tag Team Battles: An all-new feature, players can now team up with multiple characters from the NARUTO universe when in combat and throughout their heroic adventure. Use the abilities of your ninja teammates to overcome bigger obstacles. •The Dojo: Train yourself in this exclusive Dojo mode where you learn each combo through a guided tutorial, or practice on your own in free-training. •Online Multiplayer: As the ONLY NARUTO console game to feature online multiplayer, you can now choose from 30 characters and play alongside ...

Keywords: Naruto, broken bond, microsoft xbox 360, ubisoft of montreal, gamplay preview, walkthrough, gaming, gamer, ninja, hidden leaf village, lets play, action, adventure, anime, manga, weapons, anime music, playthrough, video game, weapon, warfare

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Marvelous Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross Ep. 15 - TOASTED (w/ Ian Cofino)

The Marvelous Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross Ep. 15 - TOASTED (w/ Ian Cofino) Tube. Duration : 27.65 Mins.

With special guest Ian Cofino (director of "I Got Next") still in studio, Gootecks and Mike Ross continue their foray into Marvel 3. In this episode, can Mike Ross continue his undefeated streak? Also, Gootecks makes an astute analogy about Marvel and relationships! And, someone gets their toast buttered! 1. BimodalToaster vs. Gootecks 2. Mike Ross vs. Zylk 3. Ian Cofino vs. Juke533 4. Gootecks vs. Seven Eleven711 5. DodgerBluFitted vs. Mike Ross 6. Ian Cofino vs. Snoffles 7. Gootecks vs. Snoffles I Got Next documentary: www.igotnextmovie.com ____________MARVEL 1.0 FEATURING VISCANT____________ Our new Marvel vs. Capcom 3 training DVD is here! Marvel 1.0 featuring Viscant will show you the strategies and mindset you need in order to win more. Viscant is a veteran of the fighting game scene for many years and his Wesker Man/Phoenix team is one of the strongest we've seen to date. This video is available for download as well as on DVD at: marvel.crosscounter.tv ______SAVE 10% OFF A NEW MAD CATZ FIGHT STICK!______ Enter code "CROSSCOUNTER" when you shop for a 10% discount on Mad Catz Fight Sticks and Pads bit.ly BUY MAD CATZ TE STICKS IN CANADA: canada-cup.ca http ______BROKEN TIER SPRING LAUNCH______ Check out some new fighting game t-shirts from Broken Tier and save 10% with coupon code: CROSSCOUNTER brokentier.com IF YOU ENJOY THESE VIDEOS Please share them on Facebook/Twitter and Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com DOWNLOAD THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MARVEL VS. CAPCOM ...

Tags: marvelous, adventures, of, gootecks, mike, ross, marvel, vs, capcom, mvc3, gameplay, guide, tutorial, storm, sentinel, ryu, spencer, doom, taskmaster, akuma, viewtiful, joe, wolverine, viper, magneto, wesker, captain, america, arthur, morrigan, thor, chun-li, dark, phoenix, dormammu, hulk, x-factor, cross-up, shuma-gorath, dhc, xbox, spiderman, street, fighter, resident evil, jill, ian, cofino, video game

Thursday, May 26, 2011

MALI: US army begins anti-terrorist training Flintlock in nothern Mali

MALI: US army begins anti-terrorist training Flintlock in nothern Mali Video Clips. Duration : 2.73 Mins.

ITN Source | September 7, 2007 American army experts are in Mali for a series of military exercises dubbed 'Operation Flintlock'. The US has been training some north African armies for several years now in a bid to secure the Sahel region. In the intense desert heat of North Africa mock battles rage against an enemy that is, at least for the moment, still imaginary. But for the 512th battalion of Mali's infantry, that is no reason to take this exercise lightly. They are being trained in counter-terrorism by the US Army near the town of Timbuktu. US military experts come to Mali for several weeks every year, giving weapons training and teaching Malian troops how to move in platoons and ambush the enemy. It is part of a much bigger military exercise, involving Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad. The Sahel region south of the Sahara desert is a vast area of inhospitable territory that is difficult to police and control. Washington wants the four countries to work together in securing the area. Observers say the US is worried that Al Qaeda cells driven out of the Middle East could be seeking refuge here. There is also the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat to worry about. The GSPC, as they are otherwise known, is a hard-line Islamic movement allied to Al Qaeda which fought to overthrow the Algerian government and has since been forced into exile. "Our program of cooperation here is not specific to particular events in time or to particular threats; it has nothing to do ...

Keywords: war on terror, africa, mali, morocco, the netherlands, algeria, insurgents, al qaeda

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exclusive: Greg Norman & Ryan Celestain ~Dare to Dream~ Pt1

Exclusive: Greg Norman & Ryan Celestain ~Dare to Dream~ Pt1 Video Clips. Duration : 3.28 Mins.

Ryan Celestain www.RyanCelestain.com 206-202-0155 If you would like to know more about the show, to be a guest or for sponsorship opportunities for yourself or company please contact me. This is an exclusive interview with Greg Norman and me Greg hosts a show called Dare to Dream and had me featured a few months ago. We are discussing one of the challenges I faced a few months ago and what it took in the beginning before the races even started. This is the gentleman that asked me to partner with him, Bryant McGill, Sally Jessy Raphael, and Susaye Greene to build the worlds largest radio network with the focus on self development. Greg's Bio- Greg Norman's passion for life, learning, coaching and teaching started when he was an athlete. He was self-motivated. He says that being an athlete taught him many positive lessons and one of them is, "When you really want something in life, you need to get it or do it yourself." When playing sports, he watched his team players and noticed that one thing they seemed to have in common was that they all supported one another. Today Greg is a strong believer in lending support to anyone in need who asks. He says that one of the difficult things when reaching out and helping others is that you need to really sort through the list of people and determine if you are really helping that person, or are you being an enabler. He began turning opportunities into successful ventures using his learned knowledge and expertise. Greg Norman is a go ...

Keywords: Ryan, Celestain, HOPE, The, Invatation, Greg, Norman, Dare, To, Dream, Universal, Radio, Tulsa, Run, Success, Goals, Mentor, Training

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Train the instructor & Experiential Facilitator Team building Training

A train-the-trainer schedule for developing a training curriculum within your assosication should minimally include:

(A) Increased knowledge of experiential studying and important experiential training programs
(B) Increased knowledge of team studying cycles; when to use experiential studying and when to use other training techniques
(C) Increased knowledge of training tools along with training needs analysis, training goal establishment, metrics. These estimation and data range tools will determine the effectiveness of training, cost benefit analysis, and hereafter training fabricate modifications. The emphasis will be on experiential training techniques.

Team Building Training

Program Overview: a sample of the time frame - these will vary agreeing to your team exact training needs and budget

o 5 days (~30 hours) training at on-site or off-site location
o 6 webinar conferences of ~90 minutes each, scheduled upon availability.
o 4 coaching and aid need phone calls quarterly.
o Work book Materials; content of training time, 25+ experiential initiatives with full facilitation, fabricate and sequencing.
o Supplies and components (hardware, etc..) to build and lead experiential training for in-house staff.

Participants Will Gain:

- Knowledge and applicability of a range of Experiential studying Cycle (Elc). Participants will have an introduction to the assorted uses and pitfalls of Elc. Participants will gain an understanding of how several Elc can be implemented and utilized in any training/facilitation experience.

Knowledge and applicability of a range of team studying cycles and their usage in Team studying Theory. Participants will gain clarity into how adults learn, how teams form and reform as well as how to ensure that teams continue to work at optimal levels in reference to team studying cycles. Additionally, participants will gain skills in implementing team ideas knowledge into existing and new training development programs.

- Over 25 experiential activities that are proven to be effective and useful. Each team building activity will be explored and participants will fabricate variations and add their own personal style to using these experiential activities in any environment with any audience. Additionally, participants will learn about allowable sequencing of experiential and team studying to optimize the message and content being delivered.

- Data range and estimation of training programs. Participants will be able to quantify what corollary the training is having on the organization. Participants will learn how to generate metrics and rubrics to part success and areas for revision within the teams of the organization. These measurements will be both short and long term - providing immediate measurements for short term needs while holding track of longer term results of trainings. Identifying ways to link studying objectives to company and agency carrying out metrics. Participants will focus on development of outcome based training, and return on venture (Roi) calculations that are internal customer focused.

- Facilitation of diverse populations. Participants will be introduced and gain mastery of skills to present and engage heterogeneous populations within the organization. Facilitation of training as well as discussions about work-place, leadership, team and individual needs to increase team and individual effectiveness will be explored.. Participants will gain knowledge of how to engage introverted and extroverted participants, disrupters, the unengaged, negative and overly participative. Many tools will be introduced that can be used to gain the many studying from each training and interaction within the organization.

- Processing of studying and Functional tie-backs of experiential studying to the workplace.. Participants will learn how to use experiential studying to generate "experiments" and guide participants to find metaphors and concrete ways to replacement the experiential and team studying to the work place for both personal and (mechanical) effectiveness.

Additional Knowledge & Experiential content that can be added;

o Conducting a training needs analysis
o Using media effectively
o Power Point, workbooks, flip chart, lecture, experiential do's and don'ts
o Platform skills: verbal reinforcement, prompting, clarifying, paraphrasing, examples , analogies, metaphors and 100 other skills
o Role Playing
o Facilitation vs. Teaching, vs. Leading
o How to find resources on the web
o Developing computer based training, when to use Cbt.
o Structured on the job training, the new apprenticeship model
o The training manager, budgets, politics, third party aid supplier management
o Training managers to train
o Evaluating third party training products

Train the instructor & Experiential Facilitator Team building Training

Monday, May 23, 2011

The best way to do a Cold Call is ... Not to do it!

The best way to do a Cold Call is ... Not to do it! Tube. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

Much more at gitomer.com - Jeffrey Gitomer on how NOT to Cold Call


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Stages Of Team improvement

One of the most challenges a coaching owner has is in sharp his or her team though the discrete team amelioration stages. If a owner has no, or microscopic caress of teams and team dynamics then taking over a team and then leading that team can be a very stressful experience. Every owner should know what the discrete increase stages are of a developing team and they should know how best to move the team straight through these stages with the minimum of fuss and stress. Unfortunately, many managers do not get the principal training or coaching in this area of team amelioration and as such teams go straight through a lot of stress and turmoil when perhaps this could be minimised quite considerably.

In the next integrate of pages I will take you straight through a uncomplicated team amelioration model, which I find the most useful of all the models I have studied. The names of each of the stages sum up perfectly what you can expect at each stage!

Team Building Training

Psychologist, B.W Tuckman in the 1970s, industrialized this model and Tuckman suggests that there are four team amelioration stages that teams have to go straight through in order to be productive. The four stages are:

Forming when the team meets and starts to work together for the first time.
Storming, when the members within the team start to "jockey" for position and when operate struggles take place.

Norming when rules are finalised and accepted and when team rules start being adhered to.

Performing when the team starts to yield straight through sufficient and sufficient working practices.

Some teams will go straight through the four stages fairly rapidly and move from forming straight through to performing in a relatively short space of time. A lot depends on the blend of the team, the capabilities of the individuals, the tasks at hand, and of course the leadership from management. One thing is safe bet - no team passes over the storming phase.

All teams must be prepared to go straight through the difficult and stressful times as well as reaping the benefits of the sufficient phases. The task of the coaching owner is to identify where along the path of team amelioration his or her team is and then move it on to the next phase with the minimum of fuss and resistance.

Let's look at each of the stages in detail.


This is a stressful phase when new teams come together. Everyone is a bit wary of each other, particularly if they do not know anyone and particularly if the owner is new. Even more stressful, if the rumours circulating about the owner are not favourable!

The first meeting is a nervous one and a good coaching owner will recognise this and make attempts to ensure the team is put at ease. As the forming stage is the stage where cliques can develop, the coaching owner should be aware of this and should be aware of the discrete alliances that will occur at this stage. Not all alliances will be counter-productive to the team's time to come success but it pays for the coaching owner to watch and survey the behaviours of potential cliques. The challenge for the coaching owner is basically to give an inert group of population who hardly know each the best start potential as a new team. The coaching owner should attempt to do the following in order to give the team the best potential start.
Outline specifically the task the team has to perform.

Be definite about each person's role in the team's task.

Outline how the team has come together and give reasons as to why the discrete team members have been brought together for inclusion within this team.

Be open about the way you operate as a owner - what are your strengths and weaknesses? shape your expectations of both the team and the individuals within the team. In other words, start to ageement with the team.

Encourage each team member to do likewise.

Ensure that the team has a set of rules and guidelines and that the team has an input into how these rules are formed and agreed.

Have a seminar about recompense and recognition. How does the team want to celebrate its achievements?

How are the team going to make decisions?

How are the team going to give feedback on each other's performance?

By having an open seminar right at the start of the team's task then population get the chance to air views, concerns and queries. The coaching owner will enable this to happen with the follow that population feel they have been listened to; they have been able to contribute; they know the rules and regulations by which the team will operate and they now have a greater appreciation of the population they are working with.


Storming is a sharp phase and the coaching owner who has led the team straight through the forming stage well and is beginning to feel quite good about improve may have quite a rude awakening. Storming always seems to come as a surprise, no matter how well the coaching owner has prepared and led the team up till now. This is where the leadership qualities of the coaching owner are tested to the full. I have had the privilege of working with some managers who have handled this stage well and also have witnessed (and suffered) at the hands of managers who have had no idea of what to do to move the team forward.

Storming commonly arises as a follow of goals, roles and rules all becoming confused and unclear. No matter how clear the team was in relation to the goals, roles and rules while the forming stage it is very often the case that the private team member interpretations of these roles and rules is somewhat different in reality. This results in blurring when different behaviours are obvious and conflicts can arise with the potential for factions being created within the team.

It is while this stage that the coaching skills of the coaching owner should come to the fore. Both individuals and the team as a whole should be coached to enable and keep them to ensure trade as regards what specifically the goals, roles and rules are with respect to the team and what that means to each and every individual. Many managers get frustrated at this stage because they believe that they have already done the work at outlining the goals, roles and rules at the early stage of the formation of the team. I have seen managers go from a state of massive pride about the way they have guided their team straight through the early stages to a state of anger where they look to blame the team and its private members. What is it they say, "Comes before a fall"?

The coaching owner must go over again the agreements made by the team while the forming stage and ensure that the comprehension is uniform over the team. The earlier in the storming stage this is revisited the great and this is where the aware coaching owner comes into his or her own. The unaware owner will tend to panic and blame and will be unable to operate the behaviours of the team even though they may take a very authoritarian stance and start to order that population behave. All that achieves is compliancy and team members will still have the same misunderstandings about what is going on. This is when a lot of talking goes on "behind the manager's back" This is very unhealthy for a team.

Once the coaching owner has got his or her team straight through the storming phase they have to be aware of a challenge that can come out of the blue. And that is the challenge of a new member. No sooner has a coaching owner got their team straight through the "storm" then it is joined by a new member who then starts to question the ways of working and potentially starts to destabilise the team. All new members to the team must be made aware of the team goals, roles and rules before they join and they must be made aware of the process that is in place or the giving and receiving of feedback if they have any suggestions as to how they can enhance the ways of working for the team. Again, this is an area where I have seen managers lose the improve that they have made with their team. Instead of taking time out to bring a new member up to speed with all the rules, roles and goals, the owner lets the new member join the team without much of a briefing. The follow can be chaos. Beware.

You will find at times that there will be population who tend to hold back the storming process or perhaps prolong it. These population have a decision to make. Go with the majority or get out. Company has no place to let the odd private hold things up. That may seem tough advent from a "coaching" owner but this is reality and in many cases administration is a tough role. This is one of these instances.


Do you remember what it is like when a real storm passes? The winds drop, the sky brightens, the birds sign again. Teamwork is like this also. There is a calm, a focus. Goals are clearly understood. Roles are clarified. The rules and regulations are being adhered to and population are working together positively. Relationships become stronger as population are more aware of each other. Strengths and weaknesses are realised and utilised accordingly. Norming is characterised by acceptance. Whereas in the storming stage, population were apt to rebel very quickly, this is now not the case and if person has a grievance, complaint or advice then the allowable processes are used and population tend to be listened to.

The role of the coaching owner in this stage is to ensure that this calm continues and that any behaviours that arise that may threaten the calm are channelled in the right direction. Also the coaching owner has an leading role in conveying facts particularly in relation to the successes that are beginning to occur within the team. The coaching owner should be spending a lot of time with private team members coaching them and supporting them to make their capabilities that enumerate to the individual's team role and the tasks that they have to perform in relation to the team goals.


Not every team makes it to the performing stage. Many get stuck at Norming and although all things appears normal, there is a lack of momentum and motivation towards achieving the all leading team goals. It is as though the team is comfortable in this stage and does not want to improve supplementary for fear of returning to a storming stage, a stage that probably was very uncomfortable for most people.

It is at the performing stage where team members genuinely integrate on the team goals. They are thought about to work towards them, as they know what rewards are available to them on completion. They are also aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and they appreciate these, and also works towards developing the weaknesses. This is a period of great personal increase among team members. There is a good deal of sharing of experiences, feelings and ideas together with the amelioration of a fierce loyalty towards team members. There will be arguments, disagreements and disputes but these will be facilitated genuinely as the team will now live and die by its rules. The coaching owner at this stage will play very much a non-directive role, concentrating on strategy to plan the next way forward. The team will be in many ways, self-directing, perhaps even self-appraising with the owner taking very much a back-seat role. Again the manager's role will be to facilitate transportation and ensure that the successes are communicated and rewarded.

In summary:

Forming. The victorious coaching owner will ensure that the team meets and understands the team goals, the roles they have to take on and the rules by which they have to play. The coaching owner will realise that although there may be a great deal of trade and compliancy about what is discussed many population will have different interpretations of what is agreed. One to ones help but inevitably there will start to be undercurrents of contrast as to what has exactly been agreed.
Storming. Once the disagreements and blame start, get the team speedily together to thrash out what the concerns and disagreements are. The coaching owner at this stage is strong, directive but also fair. The team needs direction at this stage and perhaps population need to hear things that perhaps they don't want to hear. Get things out in the open. Let the team bleed a microscopic and then begin the healing process by facilitating their advent together.

Norming. Lessen the direction and spend time with individuals beginning to coach them in relation to their roles within the team and the tasks that they have to perform. At the same time the coaching owner will be sharp team members to take on extra capabilities in order to move the team on to the next stage.

Performing. Take a step back and allow the team to become self-directing. Be there for them and continue your coaching role with both team and individuals. Allow individuals to take on leadership roles and encourage rotation of roles. enumerate success and recompense success accordingly.

The Stages Of Team improvement

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Feedback for Corporate Trainer in Dubai, Motivational Speaker in Dubai

Feedback for Corporate Trainer in Dubai, Motivational Speaker in Dubai Tube. Duration : 1.83 Mins.

Feedback of Mr. Dawood Sulaiman Al Mujaini of Oman Polypropylene LLC, Sohar, Oman at the conclusion of three day Workshop on Effective Business Communication organized in partnership with Promatas / Intellisecure Oman (www.promatas.com Tofind out how we can contribute to your organization with result orientated and fun filled workshops on Motivation, Team Building, Leadership, Innovation, Interpersonal Skills, Inspiration, Stress Management and NLP, email us today at info@simerjeetsingh.com or log on to our website www.simerjeetsingh.com ur Core Expertise Areas are Motivation, Inspiration, Positive Thinking, NLP, Excellence in Customer Service, Inter Personal Skills, Team Building (Indoor and Outbound), Leadership Training, Faculty Development Programs, Faculty Motivation Programs, Youth Empowerment Programs, Student Motivation Program, Communication, Ethics, Stress Management and Inner Peace. Our Clients include - Alembic Ltd, BenQ India, Birla Sunlife Mumbai, The British Council New Delhi, LTC Bahrain, E Kanoo Group Bahrain, Corbus India, The Reliance ADA Group, IBM Daksh, Capital Local Area Bank, BILT (Maharashtra), The Trident Abhishek Group, Mahindra & Mahindra, Punjab Tractors Limited, GNA Group, Indian Armed forces, Torrent Pharmaceuticals Baddi, Sara International Noida, Itron Noida, PSI Gurgaon, To arrange an In- house or outbound corporate training program for your team in India, Middle East or South East Asia, please email us today at info@simerjeetsingh.com or ...

Keywords: Keynote Speaker in Dubai, Motivational Speaker in Dubai, Corporate Trainer in Dubai

Friday, May 20, 2011



Training Motivasi www.MotivasiIndonesia.Com VIDEO Training MOTIVASI Christian Adrianto Trainer Indonesia , Motivator Indonesia, Employee Training CHRISTIAN ADRIANTO FIREWALK MOTIVATOR INDONESIA Pembicara di Seminar Financial Revolution Www.Motivator.Tk SEPERTI TDW ANTHONY ROBBINS SEPERTI TDW JAMES GWEE MARIO TEGUH ANDRIE WONGSO ARY GINANJAR DARMADI DARMAWANGSA inhouse training in house training training untuk sales sales motivation sales training Leadership Training Training Kepemimpinan employee training presentation skills training training certificate business training communication training communication skills training training sales Video Indonesia motivation training leadership team building Public Speaking public speaking training motivasi hidup MotivAsi Diri motivasi kinerja motivasi karyawan pembicara speaker Training Motivasi Meningkatkan Motivasi Staff Training

Keywords: Training Motivasi, Trainer Indonesia, Motivator Indonesia, CHRISTIAN ADRIANTO, Video motivasi, TDW, TUNG DESEM WARINGIN, JAMES GWEE, MARIO TEGUH, ANDRIE WONGSO, ARY GINANJAR, ANTHONY ROBBINS, BONG CHANDRA, motivasi kinerja, motivasi karyawan, training untuk sales, sales motivation, sales training, employee training, training sales, inhouse training, in house, leadership, team building, Public Speaking, Firewalk

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in PA -- Side Mount Drill

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in PA -- Side Mount Drill Tube. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

Brad Court, Team Lloyd Irvin BJJ Black Belt, teaches a Side-Mount control technique. Brad just got back from the IBJJF US Nationals of BJJ where he took Silver in the Adult Black Belt division. He teaches at Paramount Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Call 610-383-4686 or go to www.ParamountBJJ.com for more information about Brad's academy or to register for 30 FREE DAYS of Gracie Jiu Jitsu Training.

Tags: brazilian, jiu-jitsu, bjj, jiu, jitsu, adcc, submission, mma, ufc, lloyd, irvin, brad, court, technique, paramount, gracie

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ultimate Leadership - Team Activity

Ultimate Leadership - Team Activity Video Clips. Duration : 2.93 Mins.

teambuilding activities to demonstrate differences in leadership style - big on fun with a learning element

Tags: Morale Solutions, outdoor teambuilding, UK, Missenden Abbey, Swamp, Pipeline, T-Puzzle, Tower Build

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Areas of laborer Training and amelioration

Technology has come to be the present and time to come of business. It is how most enterprise transactions are done and how job duties are carried out every day. Because of this, employees must be trained on the latest computer applications in order to perform their specific job duties.

There are separate types of computer training that serve the purpose of laborer training/development. One is normal computer skills. In order to use the assorted computer programs that are required, employees of today must possess excellent normal computer skills. This often encompasses the basics, Internet, E-mail, word processing, and the use of spreadsheet applications. Knowledge of database programs may also be required and surely won't hurt. There are a whole of courses taught in these areas that range from teaching the basics to giving trainees the opening to heighten skills they already possess. These classes are regularly uncostly and many of them take place during the course of a day. When this is the case, employers only need to send their employees to one day's worth of training for each area listed above or at least each that applies to the specific enterprise or job title. That way, each will fulfill the principal requirements while learning.

Team Building Training

Even if your employees possess excellent computer skills, it may also be principal to send them to training for learning how to use the updated applications they use everyday. Often times, updates mean change and while these may seem small, they can appear very large when the goal is to perform work and the latest version of a singular application is hindering this process. learning a process that used to be like the back of an employee's hand suddenly becomes tedious and burdensome with safe bet updates.

Many clubs also use ownership applications, which are programs that were created specifically for a singular enterprise or position within a company. Here, more specialized laborer training/development is needed. This training may last longer, but is still just as important. It will cover the basics of such applications as well as a more in depth look at how they work, so that when the time comes, the implementation of the application may be completed as seamlessly as possible.

Areas of laborer Training and amelioration

Monday, May 16, 2011

Incredible.Worlds strongest 50 year duration world champion squat power lifter.ipf.wdfpf.gbplf.

Incredible.Worlds strongest 50 year duration world champion squat power lifter.ipf.wdfpf.gbplf. Tube. Duration : 11.15 Mins.

Speed Duration Squat training.A Freak Show. x 6 hot water bottle burst world record attempt. Come and see this freak show man in action at the Forum Norwich Saturday 29.01.2011.RHR World records day. Details www.mrremarkableman.webs.com. Im gona go faster than Usain Bolt.Standing upside down on my head.Blowing up and bursting a hot water bottle. Be crazy people.Do something every day to shock yourself. I am Briton's most eccentric WEIGHT LIFTER . Sorry people out for the count.just dropped a boiling hot watter kettle on my feet .So will re do the record aa latter date Squat The Clock. A squat a day helps keeps the doctor away. Stay healthy Mr.remarkableman (seabiscuit) World's strongest & Fittest 50 year old duration World champion squat lifter of all time. Duration Squat Lifting Training seen here. The World's Biggest Coffee Morning.Macmillan Cancer Support. On Friday 24th September 2010 Mrremarkableman in full support for the World's Biggest Coffee Morning and is part of the Norwich England Macmillan fundraising team with a target of £200.000 to raise for the Norwich branch England. www.mrremarkableman.webs.com E-Mail mrremarkableman@aol.com www.macmillan.org.uk/norfolk E-Mail coffee@macmillan.org.uk DONATE NOW O808 808 00 00 HELP SAVE A LIFE

Tags: Record, Holders, Republic., ipf., wdfpf., bdfpa, body, building., worlds, strongest, man.world, record.world, news.mr, olympia.ronie, colman.bbc, look, east.itv, anglia.worlds, squat, lifters.daily, mirror., Rude, Tube., Factor.GWR, weightssquats..Marks, Spencer.powerlifting, squats.Macmillan, Canceer, Support., World, Charities, Cancer, Hospitals, .Heaviest, weight, ever, lifted.sumo, squats.sumo, dead, lifts.freak, shows.gbpf.World, squats.Hot, water, bottle, burst.Usain, Bolt.Weightlifting.Charley, Bronson, the, prisoner

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Team MuscleTech: Team of Champions

Team MuscleTech: Team of Champions Tube. Duration : 1.48 Mins.

Watch as the championship-caliber bodybuilders and powerlifters on the Team MuscleTech roster push themselves through some of their most grueling training sessions.

Tags: build muscle, bodybuilding, body building, Jay Cutler, Branch Warren, Phil Health, Johnnie Jackson, Seth Feroce, Cedric mcmillan, Matt Kroczaleski

Saturday, May 14, 2011

011 Racing Team PROMO - KOE 2010 Rd.3 Andorra.m2t

011 Racing Team PROMO - KOE 2010 Rd.3 Andorra.m2t Video Clips. Duration : 5.03 Mins.

Tags: 011 Racing team, Bojan Kurbalija, Andorra, King of Europe 2010

Friday, May 13, 2011

Relationships and Referrals

Relationships and Referrals Tube. Duration : 1.38 Mins.

The question is who values you and your knowledge? The answer is nobody. What do you mean nobody? Most sales people stop at the end of the selling process. They go through the same old crapola, of prospect , the point, present, close, follow-up! That sales strategy is going to get you nowhere; oh it will get you somewhere, another job. If you want to build a relationship, if you want to earn referrals, you have to become known as an expert at what you do. And that expert requires hard work on your part and being known as a person of value. If you're not willing to do that, my recommendation to you is to get a nice safe job somewhere like as a clerk, in a store. "Ahh, do you want fries with that?" How about that, that would be a good closing question. If your customers value the knowledge and expertise that you have delivered to them, They're going to think long and hard before they entertain the dregs of humanity who also sell your product. Oh you may know them as your competitors. My challenge to you is, the more they perceive you as a person of value the easier it's going to do for you to maintain the relationship after the sale has been completed.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A New Look at Life on This Week @NASA

A New Look at Life on This Week @NASA Tube. Duration : 10.03 Mins.

A team of NASA-funded researchers find there may be different criteria by which we search for life elsewhere in the universe. Also, shuttle Discovery gets a new target launch date; SOFIA flies its first science mission; NASA's Small Business Awards, and an alternative fuels pilot program. Plus, Scott Kelly's geography trivia from space, and the anniversary of Gemini 7.

Keywords: NASA, science, space, rockets, shuttle, international, station, ISS, life, astrobiology, arsenic, astronauts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

High operation Teams - 9 necessary Ingredients for Team construction

"Nothing is so infectious as example." Francois de La Rochefoucauld

In conducting team construction training and management skills training all over the world since 1995, I've discovered there are nine significant ingredients that consistently crop up in creating high execution teams. Listed below are the top nine starting with communication.

Team Building Training

High execution Teams: 9 Things a Leader Can Do To Energize and Motivate Employees To marvelous Performance:

1) Communication: Open, honest communication in the middle of team members and the team leader about an organization's foresight and clearly defined goals. Not to mention a team leader needs training in people skills and how to conduct people effectively. Most team leaders are promoted based on their "hard skills" or technical skills, but it doesn't mean they can originate high execution teams. They must come to be effective at communicating, listening and resolving conflict. And every person on the team needs training in disagreement resolution and how to be an effective communicator. Each team member has been raised differently from childhood in terms of what's thorough communication. So training helps to keep the team leader and team members on the same page. The key is in becoming tactfully direct.

2) High execution teams possess purpose and direction. They have clearly defined goals, objectives and responsibilities. When I go into an society and guide team construction training, team leaders tell me all the time how foremost it is for teams to understand their roles, expectations, and responsibilities. Team members want to know what definite goals and objectives they're being evaluated on. Make sure the execution objectives are measurable, quantifiable, and in writing for accountability. Have goals and objectives for the team as a whole as well as for each team member and comprise every person on these goals. For example, if team members are in sales, a goal states in writing that each of them are to organize ten new accounts representing gross sales of at least ,000 by December 31 of this year.

3) A key component to high execution teams is active participation, accountability and sense of rights on the team leader's end as well as from the team members. Being a more mighty leader means being an involved leader. Participation and rights also sets a precedent for what's foreseen, of each team player - teamwork. One contributor to low team morale is when one or two team members hide out in the success of the rest of the team. every person else is doing the work. I certify you this is not going unnoticed. Hold every person to the same high standards. Start taking progressive disciplinary action if a team member is not doing his or her job. If you don't take progressive disciplinary action you'll lose credibility as a team leader who enables poor performance.

Effective Team Leaders Are Listeners

4) Trust in the middle of team members and the team leader. effective team leaders are listeners. They solicit feedback and listen to employees' concerns and suggestions. It's difficult for a team to be effective if there isn't trust in the middle of the team members and the team leader. Always do what you say you are going to do.That one thing you promise your team that you can't deliver will be the one thing they remember. In being a team leader and managing people, as the saying goes, "They remember your last act." Many employees don't quit their jobs. They quit their team leaders and managers.

5) Strong, effective leadership filtering down is significant to effective team construction and creating high execution teams. A team leader must possess the capability to coach. Having a "coach mentality" and helping team members to grow, organize and mature is a significant skill. It's part of your job! Don't do everything for your team members otherwise they never learn to do things themselves. Even if you're thinking, "Well, if I want it done right I might as well do it myself." Look at the word "team leader." You are there to lead.

6) proper resources, funding and training significant to get the job done. Do you have the right people for the job? Your people are your most foremost resource. Have they been properly trained? Do they have the right equipment to do the job effectively? Training is an foremost part of team construction and leadership. Employees tell me all the time they want further training to edge their skills. They want to be given significant tools that will organize their skill set. It makes them feel valued and important. As if their society is willing to invest in them for the long term.

7) High execution teams believe in equality and a shared vision, shared sense of purpose. every person has a sense of inclusion. every person treats each other equally, fairly and objectively. The whole team is included in goals and even social events.

8) Respect. The team leader has respect for the team. This boosts the reliance of the team members. They have respect for each other which leads to increased morale, productivity and a high performing team.

9) Willingness to share job knowledge, skills, and ideas. The team leader is the role model. If you're willing to share knowledge and ideas, you're training your team to do the same. Better yet, comprise "willingness to share job knowledge, skills and ideas" in team members' execution reviews. If they know they're being evaluated on these factors, they're more likely to perform.

Another ingredient central to creating high execution teams: it's imperative that both the team leader and the team have a obvious attitude. As one group of team leaders told me, "A key element of any victorious team is no bad attitudes allowed!"

High operation Teams - 9 necessary Ingredients for Team construction

Monday, May 9, 2011

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 15)

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 15) Video Clips. Duration : 8.40 Mins.

Building on the success of Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, this new action adventure takes the story to a deeper level within the Naruto Universe. Now a respected ninja, Naruto evolves into a mature and strong hero. However, with his new status comes responsibility, and Naruto will soon find himself surrounded by conflict. Forced to relive bitter memories, Naruto's best friend Sasuke strikes out on a self-destructive quest for power. Now with the help of his friends, Naruto must confront Sasuke and save him before it's too late. Team up with multiple characters, explore open 3D environments and challenge some of the fiercest enemies from the Naruto Universe. •Relive the series: Adventure outside the Leaf Village to discover imaginatively detailed environments and enjoy the original voice-acting from the series in Japanese & English. •Play as Sasuke: Experience the series not only as Naruto, but also witness Sasuke's self-destructive quest for power firsthand. •Tag Team Battles: An all-new feature, players can now team up with multiple characters from the NARUTO universe when in combat and throughout their heroic adventure. Use the abilities of your ninja teammates to overcome bigger obstacles. •The Dojo: Train yourself in this exclusive Dojo mode where you learn each combo through a guided tutorial, or practice on your own in free-training. •Online Multiplayer: As the ONLY NARUTO console game to feature online multiplayer, you can now choose from 30 characters and play alongside ...

Tags: Naruto, broken bond, microsoft xbox 360, ubisoft of montreal, gamplay preview, walkthrough, gaming, gamer, ninja, hidden leaf village, lets play, action, adventure, anime, manga, weapons, anime music

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 62)

Naruto Broken Bond Playthrough (part 62) Video Clips. Duration : 11.92 Mins.

Building on the success of Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, this new action adventure takes the story to a deeper level within the Naruto Universe. Now a respected ninja, Naruto evolves into a mature and strong hero. However, with his new status comes responsibility, and Naruto will soon find himself surrounded by conflict. Forced to relive bitter memories, Naruto's best friend Sasuke strikes out on a self-destructive quest for power. Now with the help of his friends, Naruto must confront Sasuke and save him before it's too late. Team up with multiple characters, explore open 3D environments and challenge some of the fiercest enemies from the Naruto Universe. •Relive the series: Adventure outside the Leaf Village to discover imaginatively detailed environments and enjoy the original voice-acting from the series in Japanese & English. •Play as Sasuke: Experience the series not only as Naruto, but also witness Sasuke's self-destructive quest for power firsthand. •Tag Team Battles: An all-new feature, players can now team up with multiple characters from the NARUTO universe when in combat and throughout their heroic adventure. Use the abilities of your ninja teammates to overcome bigger obstacles. •The Dojo: Train yourself in this exclusive Dojo mode where you learn each combo through a guided tutorial, or practice on your own in free-training. •Online Multiplayer: As the ONLY NARUTO console game to feature online multiplayer, you can now choose from 30 characters and play alongside ...

Keywords: Naruto, broken bond, microsoft xbox 360, ubisoft of montreal, gamplay preview, walkthrough, gaming, gamer, ninja, hidden leaf village, lets play, action, adventure, anime, manga, weapons, anime music, playthrough, video game, weapon, warfare

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Empire State Building Run-Up: Race to the Top!

Empire State Building Run-Up: Race to the Top! Video Clips. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

The 34th Annual Empire State Building Run Up: Participants raced up 86 flights of stairs...1576 steps...to the buildings' observation deck. In the men's division, Thomas Dold of Germany won for the 6th straight time - reaching the top in 10 minutes, 10 seconds. Alice McNamara of Melbourne, Australia - a medical student and a member of Australia's national rowing team won the women's division with a time of 13 minutes, 3 seconds.

Tags: Empire State Building Run up, Empire State building, running, runner, 86 flights of stairs, Thomas Dold, Germany, winner, run, race, Alice mcnamara, Australia, crazy, insane, in shape, fitness, fit, cardio, health, healthy, training, marathon, New York, NYC, New York City

Friday, May 6, 2011

Corporate Team Building Training

Corporate Team Building Training Video Clips. Duration : 10.57 Mins.

www.leanmanufacturingsecrets.com Whether you are in a corporate atmosphere, or actually down at the production level, team building training still starts with knowing the types of teams.

Keywords: lean, manufacturing, management, corporate, team, building

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Team building Goals - What Are the Objectives of Team Building?

Success in building high performing teams in any organisation has huge benefits for the business, its Customers, the teams and for each team member. To accomplish success in team building, it is important to have a tight focus on the objectives and goals, as well as on the benefits of team building for that definite company or workplace.

The comprehensive Objectives
Some think this is about playing silly games, or indulging in high-priced and irrelevant out of work activities. The managers or company habitancy who believe this will quickly dismiss the concept as a total waste of money and energy. Others who have problems in their workplace with disagreement in groups, poor doing or demotivated staff may see team building as positive, but as an unattainable goal. They do not have a clear comprehension of team building, or, genuinely of the role of leadership in achieving high performance.

Team Building Training

Team building is a Process that takes place over time. The start of the process is where there is a group of people, two or more, and a leader. The end of the process is where there is a high performing team, who are extremely motivated to accomplish best and better, who have well-developed processes and systems to organise their workload, and who gain huge pleasure from their shared achievements.

The comprehensive objectives are to accomplish this high performance, to found the group straight through the assorted stages of development, until it achieves high performance. However, like any other process, there are distinct steps or stages, and there are quite distinct objectives and goals at each stage. Focussing on the Right objectives at each stage, and changing your objectives as you go straight through the process, will help you accomplish high performance.

The Objectives at Stage One
At the first stage of team building, the Forming stage, there are very identifiable objectives and goals. These objectives Must be achieved before the group can move on to the next stage. It is the role of the leader of the team to ensure the objectives are met.

The objectives at the Forming stage are:
1. To bind the group, so that they get to know each other and begin having a sense of team. It is at this stage that team building activities will help bind them.
2. To align them to their shared purpose, goals and targets
3. To found a determined team culture, the beliefs, values and norms of behaviour
4. To found the role of the leader

The Objectives at the Second Stage
Some of the introductory objectives will continue straight through to this stage, but other goals will be introduced to found the team further. This stage is called the Storming stage, where members may challenge their shared purpose, the leadership or the norms of behaviour.

The objectives at this stage are:
1. To keep them aligned to their purpose and goals
2. To found good working relationships between all members, giving them palpate of working with distinct team members
3. To nurture shared question solving and generating new ideas
4. To introduce processes so that they work effectively together e.g. Daily huddles, flash question solving meetings, quarterly state of play meetings, communication systems etc.
5. To found clear short term goals and methods for celebrating achievement and milestones

The Objectives at the Third Stage
When the team has worked straight through the Storming stage, they will have come to be closer, and will have a deep sense of working together to accomplish their shared purpose. This stage is called the Norming stage, where they work well together and has efficient processes and systems.
To get the team to the next stage, the focus changes.

Not many teams accomplish the fourth stage, the high performing team. The surmise for this generally is that they get stuck in the Norming stage. To move the team forward, the objective now is to change the focus quite dramatically.

Up to now, the idea has been that there is no 'I' in team. The objective is to bind the team together to accomplish their shared targets. Now the objective is to get the 'I' back in to the Team, to hold them together, but also to found individual excellence and specialism.

The objectives at this stage are -
1. To increase the company knowledge, so that the team and individual members can take on more responsibility
2. To encourage question solving, innovation and leadership for definite projects or tasks. The leader delegates to the team, or to small scheme groups.
3. To modify or change the processes so that they take on more responsibility. Team meetings reduce, team scheme teams increase. Leadership of projects or meetings rotates.
4. To get the team to set its own goals

With this clarity of the ladder of team building objectives, you will have a much best opening of developing your team effectively.

Team building Goals - What Are the Objectives of Team Building?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two Keys to Help Employees Look send to Team construction Training

I have been developing and conducting Team construction Training Workshops for many years and for large clubs and small groups. I can't tell you how many times I hear the groans and grumbling right before the event. Population walk in the room and ask if they are going to be required to participate in the event. Population are rarely excited about team construction activities.

Most Population think about team construction training the same way that they think about Change, with a rolling of the eyes and a "do we have to" attitude. It's normally not until they see that it can be fun and get captivating about creating a distinct corollary on themselves and the group that they give into the idea. When Population share with me that they are totally against change, I ask them, "If I gave you 0,000, would that turn their lives?" They of course say "Yes". Then I say, "See, turn isn't always bad". Neither is Team construction Training. It can help a group or firm to be much more profitable if they work together as fully functioning team.

Team Building Training

The key is that Population have to consider team construction training activities and turn as "Positive". That's the key! If they feel that it is good for them, then they will have a much more accepting attitude. The great thing is that it doesn't have to have a long list of criteria to meet their goals of being positive. I believe that there are only a few keys for Population to look send and have fun with team construction training activities.

1. Team construction training has to make the team member feel good about themselves and the others on their team. This can be ended by activities that are centered on developing them as individuals and also institute their teams to a higher skill level of communication. This is why it's so leading to engage in team construction activities and not just games.

Games can be fun, but they do nothing towards the goal of developing the teams ability to present good and work good together. Activities like bowling and go-carting are enjoyable and can even help the team to have more camaraderie among them. But, it doesn't do whatever to institute skills. Which is why it is well forgotten and has a low return on investment?

2. Team construction training that Population look send to also needs to have an element of Giving Back! Philanthropy is the key!! If they feel like they are manufacture a distinct critical turn for other people, they are very likely to be excited about captivating in the performance and normally give it their full cooperation during the activity. Most Population like to be part of a higher purpose. Giving to an underprivileged group or man brings a team together in many captivating ways.

So, next time you determine to institute your team, check out team construction training activities that give back. There is no greater impact both personally and professionally! come to be the team who works together to achieve a base goal of manufacture a critical distinct turn for the less fortunate.

Two Keys to Help Employees Look send to Team construction Training